Some of you might be wondering why Halloween is so dear to me. What is it about this holiday that holds my interest yearlong? Well, as I ponder that question, I found someone else who enjoys Halloween. Here’s what Halloween means to comedian Stephen Lynch.
Monthly Archives: August 2009
Join The Zombie Walk

You may not have realized it, but if you’ve driven in Los Angeles, then you’ve experienced what its like to be a zombie. I noticed this today as I woke myself from another mindless drive down the 405 freeway. And as I looked around, I noticed everyone else had the same empty expressions on their faces…just like a bunch of zombies. Well if we’re all so good at being zombies, why not put that energy (or lack of it) to good use? This Saturday, August 15th, join the So.Cal Zombie Walk in West Hollywood.
What the heck is a Zombie Walk you ask? Its an organized gathering of people who will dress up as zombies using costumes and makeup and walk around a predetermined route. Why would anyone want to do this? To have fun of course! Participants are encouraged to act the role by moaning, limping and doing whatever else zombies do (minus the eating brains thing). And it gets better! Zombie Walk organizers usually help raise awareness for local charities such as Toy’s for Tots, or local food banks. Ah..zombies with heart! There are zombie walk groups all over the country, so if you can’t make it to this one, look up your own local group. C’mon guys! Lets get out there and be mindless together!
Cool Down With A Cold Drink

Its August and its starting to get really, really hot! I was thinking the other day (as the sweat was pouring down my face)…I know gross, right?…that I should make a drink that can really cool me down. Then I remembered a Halloween drink recipe that I’d heard of from the House Of Blues. Its called Swamp Water and its supposed to be D-licious! You’ll need to buy some alcohol (sorry kids I don’t have a Shirley Temple version, but don’t let that stop you from being creative). Its also best if you can use mason jars for glasses to really give the drink that spooky bayou feel. Here’s the list of ingredients:
1 oz. Skyy Vodka
splash of blue Curacao
orange juice
Fill a very tall glass with ice, pour in alcohol, fill the rest of the way with orange juice, mix and enjoy! Use a plastic glow-stick as a swizzle stick, which gives the drinks an eerie, magical radiance. Bottoms Up!
Post Comic Con Wrap Up!

Well, another year of Comic Con has come and gone. The convention goers have packed up their rare comics, new toys, mangled costumes and random swag and headed for home. For those of you that are wondering what you missed, I’m here to give you the scoop. Yes, a week late, but it took me that long just to go through all the flyers and free stuff I collected! You may have already heard about some of the post comic con buzz, but I’ll give you a unique look at some of the stuff that you would have seen if you spent two days roaming up and down the convention hallways. Continue reading