Monthly Archives: November 2009

Time To Nut Up Or Shut Up


Well I’ve been away from the blog for awhile with the Turkey day holiday just past. I’m still imagining all that wonderful food as I open my depressingly empty fridge. I was sick over the holiday (boo), and wound up watching way too much TV. However I did manage to go see a movie that you guys have got to see. I’m talking about Zombieland. This movie simply rocked! Especially since I’ve been on a zombie trip lately. (I’ve been playing Left 4 Dead for over 2 months now!) When it comes to blockbuster movies, I really have low expectations, but this one totally surprised me. Continue reading

Another One Bites The Dust


Can you believe it…after all that planning, preparation and fun its all over. Halloween 2009 is now just a sweet memory. I hope all of you had a great time doing whatever you did. I wound up working my butt off to finish all the decorating and cooking just minutes before my guests arrived. It was a hell of a lot of work, but we did it. And I had a great time. Without further ado, here are some pictures from our Halloween party. Continue reading