Monthly Archives: October 2011

My 2011 Halloween Events Wishlist

Every year, I make big plans to try to attend as many Halloween related events as I can. But after I factor in all the days I work, blog, and attend to normal chores and family responsibilities, it really leaves me little time to do anything else. Notice how I conveniently didn’t mention that I waste most of my free time watching stupid Jersey-Shore-esqe television or playing games on Xbox 360. Okay, I’m guilty! I can certainly spend my time a little bit better. So I’m planning the month out early and creating my Halloween Events Wishlist for 2011. I will try my darndest to get to as many of these events and throw a blog in about how they turned out. That’s if I can put down the Xbox controller, of course! Continue reading

Tune In To Halloween Radio

If your stuck in an office, you may find it hard to get into the Halloween spirit. However, if you are able to access the internet, then open, plug in some earbuds, and away you go! Non-stop Halloween music of every type. It is truly a great resource for Halloween music discovery! This station is free and has four channels to choose from: 1.Halloween Main 2.Halloween Atmosphere 3.Halloween Oldies and 4.Halloween Kids. It is truly better and more diverse than any playlist you could put together yourself. I’ve included a link in our sidebar at the right for your convenience.

Pumpkin Ale is Back!

Pumpkin Ale

Yep, it’s that time of year again, when microbreweries bring out there seasonal pumpkin flavored beers. While some people may find these gross, I actually enjoy a little pumpkin and spice flavoring in my beer. After all, beer is really not that pleasant of a taste anyway. I’ve heard several people compare the taste of beer to that of urine. However I’ve never actually met anyone who has sampled urine so not sure how they can make that assumption. In any case, I started thinking if you can make beer taste like pumpkin, what other things can you make beer taste like? Did a little research and this is what I found: Continue reading