Happy Halloween you ghouls and boils. Hope you get into lots of mischief on this magical night. Be safe, eat lots of candy, enjoy a good scare or two, and come back to visit Ghoulie Guide as we will continue posting throughout the year!

Happy Halloween you ghouls and boils. Hope you get into lots of mischief on this magical night. Be safe, eat lots of candy, enjoy a good scare or two, and come back to visit Ghoulie Guide as we will continue posting throughout the year!
I hated to do that to you (the image above), but I knew it would get your attention. Today someone forwarded me a site that listed 19 facts about The Exorcist. When I read the list, I was literally blown away! First let me start by saying The Exorcist is the holy grail of all horror movies, and I believe it is still the scariest movie ever made. It is the one movie that haunted my subconscious well into adulthood and although I have seen it hundreds of times, I still find things in the movie I don’t remember seeing before. Maybe its because of all the times I watched it with my eyes closed. Anyhow, if you have seen this movie you must…READ THIS LIST! I’ll give you my breakdown of the list too! Continue reading
Halloween is not complete without a yearly visit to the pumpkin patch. Usually I try visiting a new pumpkin patch each year just to see how they all stack up against each other. But this year, time was short so I decided to head back to a patch I visited a few years ago… the Pierce College Halloween Festival in Woodland Hills. At the time I first visited, I was really impressed by how much they had to offer. But this year…whoah! I can’t believe how much they added. It is almost like a mini county fair now. You can wander in, walk through several rows of pumpkins and visit their farm stand for free. But past that you must pay a $5 entrance fee. However if you plan on buying tickets to any of their attractions, the entrance fee is included. We paid the entrance fee, and explored the festival grounds. Check out what I found and the animatronic creature in the corn maze that blew me away! Continue reading
It’s no secret that the Walking Dead is a hit show for AMC and Universal Studios is jumping all over the bandwagon with this year’s Universal Horror Nights. Never before have I seen so many “walkers” (formerly known as zombies) roaming around a theme park. That’s right, I visited the park’s annual Halloween event last weekend and was quite surprised by all the attention to The Walking Dead TV show. These walkers were scary, had great makeup, and snarled just like the ones on TV. But then again, if anyone can do monsters right, it’s Universal. After all they have the most classic horror monsters of all time remember?…Dracula, Frankenstein, & The Wolfman. Here’s my review of the mazes, monsters, and decor this year with some pretty awesome pics too. Continue reading
There are those who like to decorate for Halloween, those who enjoy making clever costumes, and then there are those that attempt to make food look as frightening as possible. If your lucky, you may be asked to participate in a creepy food contest, an event thats gaining popularity at workplaces all across America. You won’t believe the entries at my workplace this year. Continue reading