Monthly Archives: November 2017

Learn about Monster Genealogy at The Monster Club

Look just because Halloween is over doesn’t mean we still can’t have some spooky fun right? Cool! So let’s talk a little about monster genealogy. You didn’t know this was a thing? Well neither did I until I saw the movie The Monster Club (1981). It stars the great Vincent Price as a pleasant elderly vampire named Eramus. John Carradine (the patriarch of the famous Carradine family) plays Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes a successful horror writer. Continue reading

November Friday Funnies

Well I hope you’re all enjoying what’s left of your Halloween candies. No matter how good or bad things turned out during Halloween, I always get a bit sad to see it all end. Now that it’s November I finally have some time to look through blogs, organize my pictures, and just unwind a bit. As I was searching around the internet I found a few funny Halloween related items that I thought I’d share. I hope to do this more often and will call it the Friday Funnies. Enjoy! Continue reading