Monthly Archives: October 2020

SoCal Haunts To Hit Up This Weekend

Halloween is quickly approaching. If you’re like me right about now you’re scrambling to come up with some plans for the weekend. This year is particularly challenging due to the (YOU KNOW WHAT). Fortunately that hasn’t stopped people from decorating and creating awesome Halloween yard displays in their front yards. I’ve been having fun looking for the best decorated houses in my own neighborhood. If you’re local to Southern California and want to see some of the best yard haunt displays on the west coast be sure to visit the SoCal Haunt List. This website lists addresses, dates and times you can visit to see some really incredible displays. Even my humble little yard haunt “The Ghoulie Graveyard” is listed on this site! Keep reading to see some pics of the yard haunts I’ve visited so far.

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Book Review: Monsterland by James Crowley

Every autumn I pick out a few books related to the season and challenge myself to finish reading them before Halloween. This year I’ve read Bram Stoker’s Dracula (which I absolutely LOVED) and am halfway through Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In between these bigger more famous novels I decided to take a break and read a kid’s Halloween story. Let me tell you what a absolute joy and surprise it was to stumble upon James Crowley’s Monsterland! What I had expected to be a cute simple story turned out to be a wonderful epic adventure I won’t soon forget.

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How To Build Halloween Tombstones

So even though this has been a weird year where it feels like every day is groundhog day, I decided to try to break the monotony and work on a project I’ve been procrastinating on for a long time…DIY Halloween tombstones! For years I’ve used store bought tombstones for my graveyard scene. You know the ones that are odd colors and say nothing more than RIP on them. Although they looked fine, I wanted to take things up a notch and really customize my tombstones to match my theme of “The Ghoulie Graveyard.”

To note there are awesome YouTube videos on how to build tombstones. I highly recommend you watching those videos to really get the best instruction. Here I’ll take you through my experience on how I made mine.

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