Brace yourselves! Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights begins this Friday and they are preparing to scare the sh*t out of you. This year, there are 5 new mazes for you to survive.
First, travel to the Arctic research center known as Thule Station. But beware, something has claimed the lives of the scientists who worked there. Try to escape the alien creature in the first maze, The Thing: Assimilation.
Next stop, take a rest at an Eastern European hostel. I hear those that visit may end up on a serving platter of organs. Hope this isn’t your fate as you enter the second maze Eli Roth’s Hostel: Hunting Season.
They always say rockstars have big dreams, but is the same true about their nightmares? Now you can find out for yourself as you take the stage with Alice Cooper through the next maze, Alice Cooper’s Welcome to My Nightmare. Hope it’s not your last performance.
Have you heard of the Mexican legend of La Llorona…the woman who drowned her children and then herself? Some say late at night you may hear her painful screams of guilty anguish. She has been doomed to walk the Earth but will stop at nothing to find the souls of her murdered children. You may find her in the maze La Llorona: Villa de Almas Perdidas As imagined by Diego Luna.
Why not take a break from all the madness and take a leisurely stroll through the countryside. What was that…sounded like a wolf’s howl. Pick up your pace and run to the safety of Talbot Hall. Although I don’t know if you will find safety here for there is a beast that is hunting you through this maze: The Wolfman: The Curse of Talbot Hall.
Back by popular demand is Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses:in 3-D Zombievision. Of course Universal provides other Scare Zones of Fright, the Terror Tram, rides, and the live show Bill and Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure. Buy your tickets right away and look for up to $25 dollar savings on certain nights.