Can you believe it…after all that planning, preparation and fun its all over. Halloween 2009 is now just a sweet memory. I hope all of you had a great time doing whatever you did. I wound up working my butt off to finish all the decorating and cooking just minutes before my guests arrived. It was a hell of a lot of work, but we did it. And I had a great time. Without further ado, here are some pictures from our Halloween party.

Guarding The Refreshment Table

The Living Room… I mean Dying Room

His Fate… The Electric Chair!

The Haunted Staircase
These couple of ghouls have gone wild. Notice the flicker bulbs in the hanging lamp. These very effective props were bought from Party City. We wrapped the walls in Scene Setters to give the look of a cold dungeon. The man sitting in the chair began as a scarecrow, but I found a great prop laboratory switch. When you switch it down, it lights up as if its electric and a man screams. So this became our electrocution chair. I’m planning on working on this prop to escalate it for next year. Finally the staircase provided a perfect spot for the Hanging Haunted portraits from my previous blog.

Our graveyard scene complete with fog machine zombie.

One red bulb and you get a pool of blood.

The 2009 yard haunt: Year 1.

Table of Spirits (of the drinking variety).
Our fog machine zombie was a big hit. We also had the soundtrack to the Disneyland Haunted Mansion playing in the front yard. I think the adults loved it even more than the kids. This year was small but very effective. Next year, I plan to expand the yard haunt and add a few more tricks. You might wonder why I go through so much trouble? The payoff is the expression on the kids faces. I remember seeing awesome yards when I was a kid and I never forgot them. They were so creative and fun to me. So maybe I can do that same thing for someone else, and leave that lasting impression. After all, it helps to preserve the traditions of our favorite holiday. HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!
Seems like a great party–a lot of work but the design details are great. I really liked your yard haunt ghoul! Where did you get him from?
Thanks! That extremely detailed pretty boy is from non other than Party City.