Last weekend I had the pleasure of visiting a few incredible yard haunts with my family. I doubt they’ve ever experienced yard haunts with such high levels of creativity and imagination. Hell, until I visited the previous year, I hadn’t either. We were totally blown away I can tell you! Unfortunately we did not have much time to visit more of them, but the two haunts we did manage to make it to didn’t disappoint. The Backwoods Maze yard haunt was especially awesome. I’ll give you a little sneak peak inside.
After visiting the incredible Boney Island yard haunt in Sherman Oaks, we decided to visit The Backwoods Maze in Burbank before it closed at 10pm. I really wanted to make it to this one because I had never been there but had heard great reviews about it. As we drove by the house we noticed a pretty long line of people waiting to get in. Not to worry…the line moved quickly and in no time we were ready to go in ourselves. First things first…this is a haunt where you actually walk through the backyard maze and monsters WILL jump out to scare you. That being said, you might not want to bring young children if they scare easily. We had a one year old baby with us so we broke up into two groups. I waited with the baby in the front yard while half of my family entered the maze.

Now this was no ordinary front yard. Oh no! This yard had tombstones displayed for every main horror character spread out on the lawn. Behind the cemetery’s tombstones were those crazy monsters you see in the featured image above. Wow…look at the size of that green creature! I think he is named Violator from Spawn The Movie. The baby kept pointing at it the whole time we were out there. Thank god she doesn’t know fear yet. But I do!
After awhile the first half of my family exited the haunt and I could see expressions of amazement on their faces. As they approached me one of them mouthed “That was awesome!” My curiosity was off the charts now! I passed the baby to my brother and entered “THE BACKWOODS MAZE”. Holy crap I couldn’t believe how cool this maze was! First of all it was intricately designed to tightly weave in and out into rooms that were themed as if some toxic apocalyptic wasteland existed and enormously big cyborg creatures had taken over.

Even though we were one of the last groups to enter that night, there were still monsters sprinkled throughout the maze that would jump out at us for the scare. It was really fun and it was pretty gracious of them to keep up the integrity of the haunt and scares even though it was just about closing time.

I am not sure if my family was scared or not, but I can assure you we were all completely blown away by the artistic talent that went into creating those huge robot creatures throughout the maze. They looked so good, as if they belonged to a movie set or something. The coolest thing about this whole haunt is that it is free to the public. That means some hardworking people are doing this for the goodwill of visitors and those who enjoy Halloween, art, and a good scare! Well let me tell you creators of The Backwoods Maze. Yes…your haunt and efforts are very much appreciated! Thank you for contributing to the preservation of the innocence and fun that is part of the tradition of Halloween.