October is the month where pumpkin festivals pop up all over the country. If you get the chance I’d suggest you go to one. This weekend Oct 20 & 21 is the annual Calabasas Pumpkin Festival, in (you guessed it)…Calabasas, California. I went last year and had a blast. Festivals of this sort are usually very safe and a lot of fun for the whole darned family. To start you can’t miss the large pumpkin patch with pumpkins and other gourds for sale. There is also a professional pumpkin carver who will transform ordinary pumpkins into extraordinary masterpieces by using spray cans and carving tools. At the Calabasas Pumpkin Festival kids will not go home empty handed. All day kids will receive one free pumpkin at the painting station and use art brushes and paints to try to create their very own painted pumpkin. The Pumpkin Pavilion also has other things for sale, such as pumpkin pies, treats and other goodies. Okay I’ll try to round up the remainder of the things I saw in one breath. They had a musical stage, free rides and carnival games (comes w/the price of admission), reptile and nature shows for the kids, food booths, and pumpkin beer stations! Whew. Oh and I almost forgot! The highlight for me was watching a table of kids gorge their way through a pumpkin pie as they competed against each other in the pumpkin pie eating contest…gross!
Below are some pics of last years festival.