I loved MAD magazines as a kid. So you can imagine my splendor when I found this book called Horrifyingly MAD: More Than 50 Years of Classic Strips to Scare You Silly. I bought it at my local bookstore for around 9 bucks! I raced home (within the speed limit, of course) to open it and peer through the comic pages of horror movie spoofs and satires written as cleverly as only MAD magazine can write. Just listen to some of the titles: The Ecchorcist, Rosemia’s Boo-Boo, The Bland Witch Project and The Calamityville Horror. This book has a great collection of fun horror MAD magazine comics. I think I’ll save reading this for some cozy autumn nights as I snuggle in next to a fireplace while enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. Mmmmm…Autumn I’m waiting for you!