I can’t believe I built my homemade laser vortex in 2010. Geez that was six years ago! Can you believe that last year on Halloween was the first time I had ever really tested it out? I’m not sure why I waited so long (fear of failure?) but after a few test runs, I was confident that the laser vortex actually works! It’s the first Halloween prop I had ever built and now I am ready to share it and show it to the world! Well at least to anyone that is mildly interested. Hehe. Continue reading
Category Archives: Decorations
Halloween Inspiration Found at Rogers Gardens Halloween Boutique
In case your feeling your Halloween home decorations are getting a bit stale, I would suggest taking a trip to Rogers Gardens in Corona Del Mar, CA for some creative Halloween displays that will make your jaw-drop. I haven’t gone yet, but really want to make the pilgrimage from the west side of Los Angeles just to see their incredible Halloween showrooms. Rogers Gardens has been participating in creating a yearly Halloween Boutique for some time now. The 2015 year is no exception and the display this year looks absolutely exquisite. Continue reading
Your Friendly Neighborhood Yard Haunt

So I’ve made it a goal of mine to visit at least one new Halloween event, haunted house, or yard haunt each October. This Sunday I was waiting to order food at Porto’s Bakery in Burbank and decided to do a search for Halloween events in the area. There were several results, but I decided to visit a free yard haunt named Boney Island in Sherman Oaks, only a few minutes drive from where I had been scarfing down Cuban food. I was a little nervous on the drive over thinking that maybe I’d be the only one there gawking at someone’s private residence. Boy was I wrong! The streets were filled with people walking to the most obvious Halloween house on the block. The theme at Boney Island is skeletons which is immediately evident from the giant skull and sign that acts as the entrance to the yard haunt. As I entered the yard, I realized this was much more than a haunt with static props, but a full on show with music, lighting, presentation and ingenious special effects. The pictures below and short video will give you a sense of the level of detail used in the creation of Boney Island, truly one of coolest yard haunts I have seen so far. Continue reading
Coffee Shop Magic
In this video, a wonderfully staged prank is set up for some unsuspecting patrons of a coffee shop in NYC. The prank was done to help promote the movie release of the 2013 Carrie remake. The best thing about pranks like these are the people’s reactions. I think if I was in this situation, I’d run first then ask questions later.
Beware Of The Devil Baby
With the holidays behind us now, we can all take a well deserved rest and catch up on all those youtube videos we haven’t gotten around to watching yet. To start you off , check out this video of the Devil Baby Attack! I’ve seen some pretty good pranks, but this one is elaborate and hilarious! Just watch innocent bystanders approach this baby carriage only to find a seething evil devil baby inside. The baby hisses and spits up green stuff Exorcist style, while onlookers scream horrified. The carriage is also motorized and can chase people via remote control. That must have been a blast to watch this scene unfold live!