Category Archives: Decorations

Best Store Ever – Halloween Town in Burbank

Halloween Town Burbank

This weekend I had a double whammy of Halloween fun! First I attended the Son of Monsterpalooza. (Son of Monster…who?) Son of Monsterpalooza is the second massive monster convention of the year in the city of Burbank, CA. And since I was in the city of Burbank, it would be a crime not to visit the coolest Halloween store I’ve ever seen. I’m talking about the one and only “Halloween Town”. Continue reading

Ghostly Portraits

ghostly portraits

In the age of Photoshop you’d have to look at any “ghostly image” photograph today with a discerning eye. But what about ghostly portraits from the late 1800’s. Clearly computers had not been invented, so photo fakeouts had to be achieved by other methods. Some people were great at photo image trickery, and produced convincing photos of ghosts. Some images were said to be real images of ghosts, although most people don’t believe that. Take a look for yourself at this website. They have a great collection of images from the olden days. Decide for yourself whether someone had captured proof of ghosts OR NOT!

Dexter Worthy Bloody Home Decor

Bloody Home Decor

When I first saw this image I thought…oh god! What a mess! Then I remembered there are people out there that are very into abstract art. I suppose this qualifies although I don’t know how anyone could keep from feeling a bit squeamish in this room. Definitely a room fit for Dexter (or a very stylish serial killer for that matter).

Of course, your bloody home decor wouldn’t be complete without matching bath rug. Good god, I find this is actually really gross!

Bloody Home Decor