Out with the old junk in with the new. Yes its time to get rid of those plastic Halloween props that don’t scare anyone. Invest in something truly terrifying for this year’s haunt such as the Asylum Door. It’s an incredible Halloween projection prop new for 2012. Along with a 22-inch LCD display showing an axe-wielding mad man trying to break out of lock down, hidden pneumatic mechanisms actually create bulges in the door as he swings his axe. Pretty cool and sure to get attention!
Category Archives: Decorations
Scary Cinemagraphs From The Shining

Did you see that? A slight movement in the photograph…almost as if it were haunted. Don’t be frightened, it’s just a cinemagraph. Cinema..what? Don’t worry, I didn’t know what they were until just recently. “Cinemagraphs are still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement action occurs. The term “cinemagraph” was coined by U.S. photographers Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck, who used the technique to animate their fashion and news photographs beginning in early 2011.” Continue reading
Laser Vortex Revisited
Last year I had planned on making my first really cool Halloween do-it-yourself project, the Laser Vortex. After reading the tutorial on the Garage Of Evil website, I bought the parts and wired everything together. The only problem is that I ran out of time to make it work for Halloween night. So this year I started from where I left off. Actually found out two of the wires were misconnected on the double pole throw switch. Thankfully a friend pointed this out and voila…the vortex worked! This video is my last dry-run test before this Halloween night. Hoping that the effect is every bit as cool as I’m expecting. Continue reading
For Your Witches Brew

Yesterday we talked all about the joy’s of Pumpkin Ale. If your having a Halloween party or horror movie night this year, pass around the pumpkin ale and be sure to label each one with an authentic Wanda’s Witches Brew Halloween tag. Found these on Etsy.com!
Newest Halloween Props At The Home Furnishing Shops

Every year in September, I get filled with anticipation awaiting the Fall merchandise (and more specifically the newest Halloween collectibles). As we all start getting busy with ordinary “life” stuff, like the ever depressing end-of-summer back-to-school sales, we sometimes run out of time or forget to check what new wonders have arrived in the stores to welcome the autumn season. So I’ve done the work for you and collected websites for some of my favorite shopping stores with links to their Halloween merchandise pages. I hope you’ll find this helpful as you make plans to hit the markets in search of this year’s little treasures. Continue reading