Found this gem while surfing through Etsy.com. You could use these Happy Halloween tickets for your Halloween party. Maybe stick these into your invitations or pass them out to those about to visit your Halloween yard haunt.
Found this gem while surfing through Etsy.com. You could use these Happy Halloween tickets for your Halloween party. Maybe stick these into your invitations or pass them out to those about to visit your Halloween yard haunt.
Sometimes we promise ourselves things that never come to pass. Like working out, eating healthy, and building new props for Halloween. Can’t help you with the first two, but lets talk prop building. You’ve probably seen a cool idea or yard haunt and secretly wished to build something similar with your own two hands. But you had no idea what to do or how to build it. Don’t worry. I’ve been there. I’ll show you some great sites that can inspire you to build and in plenty of time so you can our favorite time of year. Continue reading
Now I have proof, zombies are intelligent enough to drive! I guess walking around moaning isn’t cutting it as a means of transportation for our flesh-eating friends anymore.
If your ever at Balboa Beach in California, walk down Main Street to J.J.’s Haircutting and you’ll see this picture planted right in the front window. Look at the guy in the first frame. Kinda looks like a hippie from the late 60’s early 70’s? Well, that picture has been hanging proudly at J.J.’s Haircutting for as long as I can remember. I found an old news article from 1978 and the picture was there! When I was a little girl, Balboa was our beach. Every summer, a family trip to Balboa included a walk along Main Street, maybe an Orange Julius from the corner shop that is no longer there, and a gander at the “Werewolf Man”. Of course we were referring to this picture. It kinda creeped me out when I was young, yet, we always had to visit it. And to this day the “Dusty The Fox” picture still hangs proudly in the window! Thanks J.J’s for keeping up the tradition!
Hmmm… I know a few guys who are somewhere between frames 2 and 3…Should I be worried?
This year we threw our second annual Halloween party. There were more decorations, more guests, more music and certainly more desserts! Take a look at some of our pictures from this year. Continue reading