As the sun begins to set tonight and the crowds of kids and parents plot their trick or treat routes I thought I’d share with you some pics of last year’s yard haunt at The Ghoulie Graveyard! This is my front yard all dressed up for Halloween. I really love transforming it into a spectacle for the neighborhood to enjoy. Check it out!

Admittedly the lighting was a bit crazy (all colors of the rainbow) but it still threw cool shadows up on the house from the cemetery fence. I even added old tree branches that had fallen to the scene. Now for some close ups!

I actually love the lighting here. The creeper which I never really did finish has a motor allowing his head to move up and down.

The fog zombie was the first real prop I ever purchased for the yard haunt. A tube goes through the back of his mouth allowing chilled fog to roll out onto the grass in front of him.

The tombstone above was my first DIY project with the SoCal Valley Haunters group. They taught me how to make tombstones out of foam and how to make them look real. It’s inspired me to make 6 more for next year. Below it are a couple of my witch mason jars. Sorry for the blurry image.

The fence I had built the previous year worked wonders to keep spectators out of the prop area but still allowed them to trigger the werewolf and take as many pictures as they liked. It looks so peaceful during the day. But at night the graveyard comes alive with spooky ghoulies!
Hope you enjoy yourselves and have a safe and frightfully spooky Halloween this year!
Happy Halloween