I caught an episode the other night on Food Network of “Outrageous Pumpkins 2”, where four contestants compete against each other to see who can grabs the title of master pumpkin carver and a prize of $10,000. They were all fantastic artists and carved some absolutely stunning pumpkins. The winner?…Ray Villafane…Master Sculpter. Go to his website www.villafanestudios.com to learn more about him and his art. You can also go to his myspace page www.myspace.com/villafanestudios to see more from his awesome pumpkin gallery.
You can catch the episode of “Outrageous Pumpkins 2” Oct 09, 2010 6:00 PM ET/PT on Food Network.
The TodayShow.com did a profile piece on Villafane. Check it out. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/39527582/ns/today-today_halloween_guide