Every weekend you can find a classic car show somewhere, but it’s not every day you can see a classic hearse show. Sunday I ventured out to Orange County for the annual OC Trick Or Treat Festival. In a little corner of the marketplace those classic creepy beauties where all lined up. To truly appreciate the restoration you have to check out the details up close including the interior. For example, the hearse above had a church organ inside. (You can see the top of the organ pipes coming out of the car). Here are some of my favorite hearses from the event.

The one above had awesome ghost flames around the hood and really interesting smoked mirrors complete with a graveyard scene.

That’s my mom! Does she know there is a huge angry spider behind her? Look out Mom!

This is truly a ghost hearse. Let me get a look at those passengers.

Wow! Scary…I don’t think I want a ride from these guys!

A coffinmobile! This thing actually worked. Would love to see some auto coffin racing someday!

Another coffinmobile! This one had three handles on the coffin cover, so as kids peered into it, the owner would open a hatch and scare them…Happy Halloween!
I have a old coffin and skeleton for whomever needs it. Please contact me.