What is it about Halloween that makes people want to get the shit scared out of them? Admittedly, I am one of those people. I enjoy scary haunted houses and the creativity some houses display in order to scare their guests. I remember going through a haunted house as a kid at my school’s Halloween carnival. We entered a dark room, had to crawl through a tunnel, and make it out of a maze all the while trying to avoid the monsters and traps that were inside. I had so much fun, I knew I was hooked for life. Since then I have been through many haunted houses, some better than others. Last weekend, I went to an awesome and very unique haunted experience called DELUSION: THE BLOOD RITE. It’s an interactive play set up in an old Hollywood mansion. Only 250 guests are allowed each night. Once you arrive at the mansion you are assigned a group and are given a wristband. Then while waiting for your group to be called, you can enjoy a Halloween themed drink such as the delicious Autumn Harvest, eat from a food truck or just chill in the antique couches they have set up in the mansions backyard. Once your group is called, you become part of the story. This attraction involves props, an interactive story, some incredible stunts and special effects. Not to mention a ton of great scares! I’d suggest you try to check it out if there are still tickets left. The trailer below will give you a little taste without revealing any spoilers.
I was very impressed with the Delusion haunted play, however I wished it would have lasted a little longer. I guess my expectations have been set high after hearing stories about Richard Garriott’s Brittania Manor in Texas. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch this now!!
The World’s Most Famous Haunted House: A Tribute to Britannia Manor
See, I told you! Pretty awesome right? I am waiting to see if Richard ever does open up a new haunted house someday. Until then I’ll keep trying out new haunted houses, appreciating all the work that goes into them, and eagerly awaiting the next good scare!