Tag Archives: Monsters

Are Monsters Driving Cars?

I know it’s been awhile since I posted but this is important! Looks like monsters are on the prowl again. But instead of lurking in the shadows or hiding under your bed, they’re driving around in broad daylight! It’s true! Monsters are driving around in cars. Don’t believe me? Each monster license plate was photographed this year. No I don’t have photos of Bigfoot yet, but let this be a warning to all. Monsters can drive and they have good taste in cars!

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Hope You All Had A Safe Covid Free Halloween

Well now that it’s all over, (Halloween that is) I hope you all stayed safe and sound. Ordinarily I’d have wished you a Happy Halloween but I knew this year was going to be different. Very different. For many it meant no trick or treating. For others it was as extreme as no decorating this year. Some of you might have just stayed in your room, sucked your thumb and cried. Well, I’m here to say that it really wasn’t that bad at all. Okay before you throw stones my way I know that for kids it was the pits. But hey, mom and dad should have thrown you a party or a candy hunt or told you ghost stories or… ok. There is really no substitute for candy on Halloween night.

This year it was all about the yard haunts! Lots of people in my neighborhood really went to an extreme in setting up awesome displays for Halloween. Keep reading so I can share with you the newest additions to my yard haunt The Ghoulie Graveyard and how it looked this Halloween.

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Book Review: Monsterland by James Crowley

Every autumn I pick out a few books related to the season and challenge myself to finish reading them before Halloween. This year I’ve read Bram Stoker’s Dracula (which I absolutely LOVED) and am halfway through Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In between these bigger more famous novels I decided to take a break and read a kid’s Halloween story. Let me tell you what a absolute joy and surprise it was to stumble upon James Crowley’s Monsterland! What I had expected to be a cute simple story turned out to be a wonderful epic adventure I won’t soon forget.

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A Tale of The Ghouls

If you’re in the mood for a creepy story then keep reading. This is the Tale of the Ghouls! I transcribed the following story from the third tale in the horror anthology movie “The Monster Club” (1981) staring Vincent Price. The third tale by far was my favorite. I’ll set it up for you. The main character arrives in a mysterious village and after almost being attacked by the weird villagers runs to find refuge in an old abandoned church. Inside he finds an old journal that tells this frightening Tale of the Ghouls. Continue reading

Learn about Monster Genealogy at The Monster Club

Look just because Halloween is over doesn’t mean we still can’t have some spooky fun right? Cool! So let’s talk a little about monster genealogy. You didn’t know this was a thing? Well neither did I until I saw the movie The Monster Club (1981). It stars the great Vincent Price as a pleasant elderly vampire named Eramus. John Carradine (the patriarch of the famous Carradine family) plays Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes a successful horror writer. Continue reading