Tag Archives: Movie

19 Facts About The Exorcist


I hated to do that to you (the image above), but I knew it would get your attention. Today someone forwarded me a site that listed 19 facts about The Exorcist. When I read the list, I was literally blown away! First let me start by saying The Exorcist is the holy grail of all horror movies, and I believe it is still the scariest movie ever made. It is the one movie that haunted my subconscious well into adulthood and although I have seen it hundreds of times, I still find things in the movie I don’t remember seeing before. Maybe its because of all the times I watched it with my eyes closed. Anyhow, if you have seen this movie you must…READ THIS LIST! I’ll give you my breakdown of the list too! Continue reading

Paranorman Rocks!

Just saw Paranorman and loved it! It’s a cute tale of a boy who can communicate with the dead. The colors, mood and animation were amazing in this movie. Very fresh, pretty dark for a kids movie but still very safe, and totally funny. I’m pretty sure if I were a kid I’d want to see this movie. I found an article that discusses the subject of scary kid movies Read Here. It’s a great read, especially if your a parent and aren’t sure if this movie is tame enough for your kid. My take on it is … of course it is. Don’t take a 3 year old, use some common sense… take a 7 year old..they should be mature enough not to get scared so easily. Also check out the incredible Paramorman website to explore his world.

Scary Cinemagraphs From The Shining

The Shining Cinemagraph

Did you see that? A slight movement in the photograph…almost as if it were haunted. Don’t be frightened, it’s just a cinemagraph. Cinema..what? Don’t worry, I didn’t know what they were until just recently. “Cinemagraphs are still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement action occurs. The term “cinemagraph” was coined by U.S. photographers Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck, who used the technique to animate their fashion and news photographs beginning in early 2011.” Continue reading

Scariest Thing About Cropsey Is It’s True

As a child I would love to get scared from watching horror movies. My imagination would run wild, and it seemed anything was possible. But as I got older, the supernatural type movies seemed to be less and less fearful for me. Now I hate to say it, but it’s very difficult for me to truly be scared by a movie. Unless they are superior films, like Blair Witch Project or the first Paranormal Activity, most newer movies don’t do anything but make me wish for those better times when the stories were truly chilling tales that didn’t rely on cheap gimmicks to scare their audience. Looking back, some of the most terrifying movies to me were one’s that had an element of reality…something that could actually happen. Real monsters…people! The Boogeyman. Every culture has its own version of who the Boogeyman is, and the most terrifying thing is, he/she could be real. Continue reading