Tag Archives: Movie

Dark Night Of The Scarecrow going to Blu-ray

Ah…another 80’s made-for-TV horror movie is being released on Blu-ray! And it’s a good one! I remember seeing Dark Night of the Scarecrow when I was a kid. Even though I haven’t seen it since, it definitely left an impression on me. The plot goes something like this…a little girl from a small rural town gets viciously mauled. The local men are bigots and wrongfully blame the little girl’s mentally challenged friend Bubba. They track him down to a plowed cornfield and find him hiding in a scarecrow. Realizing Bubba is IN the scarecrow, one of the townsmen takes a pitchfork and well…POOR BUBBA! But that’s not the end, for the scarecrow shall have his revenge! If you get a chance definitely check out this little gem of a horror flick.

A Literary or Cinematic World War Z

World War Z

It’s been ten years since the Zombie War began. The world as we knew it is gone and will never be the same. What happened? It’s all documented in Max Brooks post-apocalyptic horror novel, World War Z. In his follow-up to the 2003 book “The Zombie Survival Guide”, Brooks puts together a collection of first-person accounts of the political, religious, and environmental aftermath of the Zombie War. And it’s not pretty. Continue reading

The Matterhorn’s Yeti is Going To Be A Star

There is a frightening beast who lives in a lonely, snow-capped mountain known as The Matterhorn. Some people have ridden bobsleds through this mountain, in hopes of catching a glimpse of the allusive creature. Others have hoped not to see him at all. But if you’ve been to Disneyland, chances are you’ve braved the many caves within this mountain and have seen him for yourself. Now the world will all experience the terror of the Yeti (or Abominable Snowman) as Buena Vista Studios brings the story of Disneyland’s Matterhorn Bobsleds to the big screen. How they do this, I don’t know…but I hope it has success like the first Pirates of The Caribbean.

Movie Review: Let Me In

When I hear that Hollywood is re-making a movie, I usually cringe and expect the worst. And usually the product is just what I expected, a poorly planned hatchet job of the original film. But it has happened, on a few RARE occasions, that a re-make can be just as good, heck sometimes even better than its predecessor. Case in point, the 2010 release of “Let Me In”, the American adaption of the critically acclaimed Swedish film “Let The Right One In”. I had heard recommendations about “Let The Right One In” about a year ago on various horror blogs, so I marked it down on my list of horror movies to watch. And then after hearing a radio interview where Robert Englund (aka Freddy Krueger) was praising the book and story as one of his favorites, I was determined to check it out for myself. Continue reading