Halloween is not complete without a yearly visit to the pumpkin patch. Usually I try visiting a new pumpkin patch each year just to see how they all stack up against each other. But this year, time was short so I decided to head back to a patch I visited a few years ago… the Pierce College Halloween Festival in Woodland Hills. At the time I first visited, I was really impressed by how much they had to offer. But this year…whoah! I can’t believe how much they added. It is almost like a mini county fair now. You can wander in, walk through several rows of pumpkins and visit their farm stand for free. But past that you must pay a $5 entrance fee. However if you plan on buying tickets to any of their attractions, the entrance fee is included. We paid the entrance fee, and explored the festival grounds. Check out what I found and the animatronic creature in the corn maze that blew me away! Continue reading