Tag Archives: Treats

Host A Witches Tea Party

Many moons ago I conjured up an idea to host an early October gathering to help welcome the season of Halloween. I had read about a great way to sample the flavors and smells of autumn by having a witches tea party. What a great idea! It sat in the back of my mind for years but this year I decided to finally do it. Since my young nieces would be visiting soon I decided the mood would be light and cheery and everyone that attended would have to dress up as a witch. It went better than I expected and now I can’t wait to do it again next year. Keep reading to see how you too can throw a witches tea party of your own.

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Trading Halloween Candy

So the best night of the year is now behind us. As jack-o-lanterns begin their cycle of decay and people start putting away their decorations, kids everywhere will prepare for the greatest merchandising event of their young lives…the Halloween Candy Trade. Don’t laugh. This event takes a bit of skill and a lot of psychology. Keep reading to see how kids perform this sacred tradition.


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