Tag Archives: Yard Haunt

Hope You All Had A Safe Covid Free Halloween

Well now that it’s all over, (Halloween that is) I hope you all stayed safe and sound. Ordinarily I’d have wished you a Happy Halloween but I knew this year was going to be different. Very different. For many it meant no trick or treating. For others it was as extreme as no decorating this year. Some of you might have just stayed in your room, sucked your thumb and cried. Well, I’m here to say that it really wasn’t that bad at all. Okay before you throw stones my way I know that for kids it was the pits. But hey, mom and dad should have thrown you a party or a candy hunt or told you ghost stories or… ok. There is really no substitute for candy on Halloween night.

This year it was all about the yard haunts! Lots of people in my neighborhood really went to an extreme in setting up awesome displays for Halloween. Keep reading so I can share with you the newest additions to my yard haunt The Ghoulie Graveyard and how it looked this Halloween.

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The Creepy Gravestones of Boston

If you’re searching for inspiration for your Halloween graveyard scene look no further than the gravestones of Boston. I mean really, this is as creepy as it gets! Time has a way of changing what was once beautiful and orderly into something slightly odd and crooked. Stone slabs with cracks and chips and missing sections are scattered amongst each other. Olive colored damp moss grows from the cracks of most of the sandstone or slate tablets. Walking through an old graveyard like this might give you the willy’s or it might just inspire your Halloween creativity like it did for me! Continue reading

Visiting The Backwoods Maze Yard Haunt

Last weekend I had the pleasure of visiting a few incredible yard haunts with my family. I doubt they’ve ever experienced yard haunts with such high levels of creativity and imagination. Hell, until I visited the previous year, I hadn’t either. We were totally blown away I can tell you! Unfortunately we did not have much time to visit more of them, but the two haunts we did manage to make it to didn’t disappoint. The Backwoods Maze yard haunt was especially awesome. I’ll give you a little sneak peak inside. Continue reading

Visiting The Halloween Yard Haunts Of SoCal

As a fan of Halloween nothing makes me prouder than to see my fellow Californians transforming their homes into creepy yard haunts during the month of October. In some neighborhoods people have been getting pretty extreme with the decorating and are putting on fully animated Halloween shows or walk-through mazes in their yards. The cities of Burbank and Woodland Hills in particular seem to be the epicenter of the most elaborately decorated Halloween yard haunts in SoCal. Last year I visited a home in Burbank that had an elaborate show with spooky decorations and mind-blowing Halloween special effects. It was so much fun that I’ve decided to return and visit more Halloween yard haunts this weekend. To help me navigate, I created an online map of the haunts that are in the area. Check it out and if your in the area, see if you can use the map to help you too. Continue reading

Your Friendly Neighborhood Yard Haunt

Boney Island Yard Haunt

So I’ve made it a goal of mine to visit at least one new Halloween event, haunted house, or yard haunt each October. This Sunday I was waiting to order food at Porto’s Bakery in Burbank and decided to do a search for Halloween events in the area. There were several results, but I decided to visit a free yard haunt named Boney Island in Sherman Oaks, only a few minutes drive from where I had been scarfing down Cuban food. I was a little nervous on the drive over thinking that maybe I’d be the only one there gawking at someone’s private residence. Boy was I wrong! The streets were filled with people walking to the most obvious Halloween house on the block. The theme at Boney Island is skeletons which is immediately evident from the giant skull and sign that acts as the entrance to the yard haunt. As I entered the yard, I realized this was much more than a haunt with static props, but a full on show with music, lighting, presentation and ingenious special effects. The pictures below and short video will give you a sense of the level of detail used in the creation of Boney Island, truly one of coolest yard haunts I have seen so far. Continue reading