If you’re in the mood for a creepy story then keep reading. This is the Tale of the Ghouls! I transcribed the following story from the third tale in the horror anthology movie “The Monster Club” (1981) staring Vincent Price. The third tale by far was my favorite. I’ll set it up for you. The main character arrives in a mysterious village and after almost being attacked by the weird villagers runs to find refuge in an old abandoned church. Inside he finds an old journal that tells this frightening Tale of the Ghouls.
From An Old Church Journal
“Almighty god, hear the prayer of your miserable servant and grant me the power to set down the unthinkable evil I have witnessed. We should have destroyed the first one, crushed it under foot, burnt it’s fowl carcass and tossed the ashes to the winds as it squatted behind a tombstone and did look upon us.”

“But I, may I be forgiven, did emplore mercy for the creature.”

“I took it into my house and washed away the filth, filth the like of which I have never before in my life beheld.”

“I clad it in clean ragment and laid it on a soft bed. Where did I sin merciful God? For should we not succor the afflicted? Give good for evil?”

“Then one night the the moon was full I saw it. Cursed the eyes that see, the ears that hear. Feeding in the churchyard. Muck on the hands. Sitting on the pile of earth and gnawing.”


“We chased it away. But for the one we drove away 12 did return and they danced around the village banners to mark the place their own.”

“Even as I write I can hear the howls.”
The Monster Club was one of my favorites as a young teenager. And this 3rd tale was also my favorite of the three stories.