Well I’ve been away from the blog for awhile with the Turkey day holiday just past. I’m still imagining all that wonderful food as I open my depressingly empty fridge. I was sick over the holiday (boo), and wound up watching way too much TV. However I did manage to go see a movie that you guys have got to see. I’m talking about Zombieland. This movie simply rocked! Especially since I’ve been on a zombie trip lately. (I’ve been playing Left 4 Dead for over 2 months now!) When it comes to blockbuster movies, I really have low expectations, but this one totally surprised me.
Zombieland totally has a video game feel to it. There are a plethora of shoot ’em up zombie killings with a variety of weapons – both guns and melee. Post-apocalyptic America is now overrun with zombies, and our main character, Columbus, is quick to point out the rules one must follow in order to survive Zombieland. Click on the four images below to see four of the promotional posters created by Columbia Pictures for this film. They really look like zombie trading cards!

Basically the four characters in the movie must figure out how to survive the zombies (and each other) in order to cope with their bleak situation. Woody Harrelson plays an awesomely funny role as the tough-talking, fear-nothing Tallahassee. And there is even a surprise performance by Bill Murrey (as himself). This movie is complete with quick-wit, enjoyable characters, interesting situations, and great one-liners (hence the title of this blog). If your looking for something entertaining to see, go check out Zombieland!
I agree with you 100% . This movie kicks ass. Another classic Woody Harrelson character that comes in at a close to his Kingpin Munson role.