So an extra post for tonight for all you ghoulish fans! After all it’s the most important night for us Halloween fanatics. I had a great time posting this year and I hope all of you had a great time reading. But stay tuned. The Ghoulie Guide will continue throughout the year with more interesting news, images and ideas. Hope you are all headed out tonight for a very safe and fun Halloween. And now I leave you with some quick pics from the Long Beach Zombie Walk last Saturday.

There were some really great zombies this year. Thank god there was a fence to separate this rabid zombie from the rest of the 1%.

This happy zombie couple was asking who would like to try their latest culinary delight…Brains A La Mode!

Wasn’t sure if these ladies just woke up from her bad dream, but then on closer inspection…yep…they are zombies too.

Wow…this looks like a zombie deranged maniac. Straight jacket and everything.

It was great that so many people showed up for the event in costume. There were jogger zombies, cartoon character zombies, kid zombies, businessman zombies, hot chic zombies, and even a couple Where’s Waldo zombies. The only beef I had with the event was the organization was bad. No one knew where the Thriller Flash Mob was supposed to be…couldn’t hear the music, so that was disappointing. Also no one really knew where to walk so everyone kind of just stood around in masses. Eventually zombies started walking, but we really didn’t have a good kickoff. I think zombies got real hungry so the walk got broken up along the way into the various eating establishments. You see…here are two zombies snacking on a tasty morsel. From all of us at The Ghoulie Guide…HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2011!